Feb 5Liked by Diana Cantu, Walther Cantu

Happy early birthday, Oliver!

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So. I did not realize that you and Walter are married until I saw THIS POST, despite seeing and enjoying other posts and notes from both of you, because apparently I cannot put two and two together even though "Cantu" is not exactly a common last name.

Beautiful reflections here. I love reading gracious and honest words about vocations, like this one.

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Hahaha that's so funny

What's so funny about this is that I have loved to write for a long time but Walther's love of writing in a public way is more new and I love that we get to share it. Glad you found us both!

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Love this list. Motherhood is just a series of letting go is spot on!

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Just lovely! I have an almost 20 & almost 16 year old. Time moves at warp speed. The things you’ve listed are so wise, and timeless (because they don’t change as you age or your baby does). Life with children is the perpetual practice of letting go & trusting God. Remembering #2 (which is also sort of like not being in control) is the hardest during difficult times.

I watched my mom walk through agonizing times with my baby brother and his turn from the faith he was raised in, and, unfortunately, I’m now in a similar season with my 16 year old son.

This is beyond my control. I can’t change this and I can’t choose salvation FOR him - only he can do that. But I can trust God, surrendering my children daily to Him.

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This is so beautiful. I'm praying for you and your son. Being a parent is a lifelong adventure and I know I'm just at the beginning. Thank you so much for sharing

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